Today Tyson and Brent made the long drive to Edmonton to get his visa papers done and also his biometric finger prints done. What a stressful time! Getting everything ready to take up there and make sure its all done! Saturday I took Tyson to get passport style pictures done to use with his visa application. He was to wear Missionary attire, so he wore a white shirt and tie. We got to Costco and they said you cant wear a white shirt for a passport picture, to which i replied its for visa papers not passport. So they took the pictures and that was that. Well I got worried about not doing the pictures how the passport needed them and thought maybe they should take up a white shirt and tie and suit jacket just incase they had time to get new pictures taken before the appointment time. They didn't take them. Being the tricksters they are and knowing I was stressed about everything and being stuck at work not being able to go with them, they told me they couldn't be sent in because they didn't accept the picture with a white shirt! I was so upset, I was texting them as I was working with the home ec teacher. She knew about the appointment and so I told her what had happened. She could tell I was upset and then they told me it was all sent in and everything went fine. GRRRR i was not impressed but so relieve that it was all good.
As of today, Tyson has 57 days until he arrives at the MTC! Its going way too fast and I know as soon as his grad is over this weekend its going to go by even faster! In a way Im glad that he doesn't have much time to wait but on the other hand I'm wishing I could enjoy every minute with him home! Saturday we found out the Kaden Wood got his call to the England London Mission too. He doesn't leave until after Tyson will be out of the MTC. So far Tyson's friends that have been called on missions are : Adam Bullock - Brisbane Australia, Tevin Hall - Philippines, Keaton Miller - Philippines.
Yesterday, Sunday June 19th, Tyson was made an Elder. He received the Melchizedek Priesthood from his grandpa Bourne. It was such a great experience for all of us but another step closer to him leaving. The hardest will be when he gets set apart as a missionary and then leaves the next day! I am super excited for him to go on his mission because he will be doing what the Lord wants him to do as well as what we know he should be doing. But its going to be hard to say goodbye. We are all going to miss him so much!