Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Papers are in, call has been issued & waiting for it to arrive!

Its all starting to feel so real now! Yesterday we got word from our Bishop that Tyson's call has been issued and that it was mailed out to us on April 29th. We are all so excited for this and for Tyson but still worried about where he will be called to. I know that the Lord knows where he is to be going but as a mom it is still scary. I still can't believe he is old enough to be going on a mission, its amazing how fast the time goes by, everyone always said treasure the time you have with with your kids when they are small, they don't stay small for long.  He has been checking the mail every day hoping that it will come sooner than later. He says the waiting is going to be the hardest part. I'm so glad Tyson has chose to go on a mission and so proud of the young man he has become!